Pregnancy Treatment

A large number of women have asked me if it is ‘ok’ to have a massage during pregnancy, especially since generations of women before them, such as a loving mom or grandma, often warn against it.

Yet, there are many benefits, especially since prenatal massage is adapted for pregnant women and helps to relieve stress during pregnancy.

Prenatal Massage has the following benefits:

Complements Therapy: During a Prenatal Massage, the treatment is adapted to the woman and how far along she is in pregnancy. Each treatment is done with the utmost care to ensure it benefits the woman, therefore, it is the perfect complementary choice to prenatal care for any woman.

Healthy Stress Reliever: Prenatal Massage is the healthy choice to help women with stress, and helps them relax and restore their strength.

Helps With Usual Pregnancy Pain & Aches: Prenatal Massage can help with the discomfort pregnant women experience such as a stiff neck, leg cramps and swelling, back pain, and headaches. 

Relaxes Nervous System & Improves Sleep: Another important benefit is how well Prenatal Massage promotes better sleep in women since it relaxes the woman’s over-stressed nervous system.

Anxiety: Woman that experience anxiety during pregnancy benefit in that a prenatal treatment is often very calming, soothing and relaxing.

So, if you had reservations about having a prenatal treatment, stress not, it can actually help you in many ways.

If you have any questions about Ayu Prenatal Massage, do let me know. I would love to hear from you.

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