
The understanding of Ancient Indian healing practices, herbs, and treatments that are used to heal our body, mind, and soul, combined with modern techniques and methods, is what I use in my treatments.
Since I have knowledge of both ancient and modern, and by combining these two, I am better equipped as a holistic massage therapist to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Is to help heal the world and to make it a better place for us to live in, especially for the children who are the future of tomorrow.

Through my company, Fia Soul Wisdom, I wish to help individuals in the long run through the application of modern and ancient Ayurveda healing traditions to improve our health and well being.

I was introduced to Ayurvedic rituals when I was seven years old when I experienced a new born being massaged according to the custom in India. Later in 2004 I was introduced again when my grandmother was visiting an Ayurvedic doctor in our hometown, Goa, India.
Ayurveda helps us understand our body better. Our bodies are significantly affected by external elements such as the weather, job-stress and our doshas. Yet, what we put into our bodies and minds also affects us. Example, indigestion, and constipation can affect our daily wellbeing.
When I decided to enter into the world of health, wellness and beauty, my grandmother asked me to take some advice from her doctor first. I took her advice and learned some very interesting information, which made me even more excited to start my journey as a massage therapist.
One of the reasons I want to work with the family tree as a unit is because Ayurveda strongly supports the belief that ageing starts from the moment we are born, yet, can be significantly repressed via anti-ageing methods. That is why a newborn baby in India is given a massage with warm oils on a daily basis for a month. Not only is this daily ritual exceptionally good in helping caress and stimulate the child via touch and strengthening the bond between the baby, mother, and other family members, but the effect of soft touching stimulates the child’s immune system, and as a result, help him or her ageless fast.
I believe everyone should apply some form of anti-ageing treatment to their lifestyle to help their immune systems, body, mind, and soul. Elder family members can benefit greatly as well, as ancient Ayurvedic therapies can help them with old age and pain management.
Through my journey in life, I learned a lot, and now, I wish to give back what I have learned to you. That is why I started my solo-company, Fia Ayur Wisdom at the beginning of 2018.
The Meaning

Fia is the short version of my name, Sofia, given to me while working in childcare. While “soul” comes from my passion of helping others to connect with their soul & spirit. Wisdom is from my 20+years of experience and knowledge I share intuitively.
The Meaning

My logo represents the tree of life. Personally, it showcases my life journey through growing, and the seasons I lived through whereby I took a short break from therapy and holistic healing but came back to my roots.
In the spring of 2018, I saw myself getting stronger as my roots have always been 7 feet under. Now I am able to blossom into the tree of life by sharing my awareness and healing wisdom to people who are willing to open their mind to my advice.
I see the tree in different ways:
1. Me, myself being the tree;
2. Ayurveda being my Indian roots;
3. And the branches being the different therapy I learned along the way, the many journeys and experiences I encountered, and the people I have met that made my life so much richer.
Our own Tree is the most important part of our life, and that’s where Ayurveda is all about meditation, herbs, and plants so that we may live healthily from that which Mother Earth has provided for us. It is although important that our tree is grounded well in the soil, so that we may stand strong even in the strongest of storms in our life.
Through my journeys of living in different countries and traveling, have I learned many things along the way. I have even kept going away from my life path, but I always came back to my true calling (roots), which is that of a therapist. To heal the world and to make a better place for us to live in is my vision, mind, body, and soul.